Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Captcha Projects Fooling


Dear Brothers and sister I have search on earn online a lot and I have also experience in these kind projects, its all wastage of time and people become victim. I start my first work as online captacha project which was on typing based I never know that about this 2 year before and I work harder and waste my time on that and also trouble in my education because my time most wasting on captcha entering.  When I reach my limit of capatcha and they convert my balance to local bank as they define their confirm banks and after that one of the bank are closed so all money stop and nothing I got . That’s a big story in my life that’s why I share my experience here with you.

If you see that kind Project work  it’s Just spamming  technique there Is another one of that software is Auto Captcha software which local and online people sale on money when you buy that after few transaction that’s software is also closed in month  so you are registration fees are also waste which is  just you lose your . A normal human being can enter how many  captcha images in an hour? If the Internet speed is super fast you can type 300-400 entries [at best] in an hour. Now if a person performs in 1000 entered into three hours, then he will win $ 1. This means that the salary is like $ 0.3 per hour? So my advice to all students and other people to stop that kind project and nothing waste your time.


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